On September 20th, millions of people across the world will walk out of their workplaces and homes to join youth climate strikers on the streets and demand action on the climate crisis.

Our global economic system, reliant on the burning of fossil fuels and the extraction of resources, has pushed us to the brink of an irreversible disaster. Those living in the Global South and other marginalised groups are the first to face floods, drought, poverty and poor health due to a crisis caused by richer countries. We know that climate change forces people to migrate to safer ground. We also know that many are pushed out of their own land by international corporations who are bolstered by the UK’s foreign policies and colonial history.  The climate crisis has no borders, yet the UK closes the doors to those who move.

The fight for migrant justice and against the climate crisis are one and the same – wealth, ownership, power and privilege must be redistributed.  The only way to achieve this is through an end to the hostile environment and through a Green New Deal which invests in our economic future whilst placing marginalised groups at the centre of any policy proposals.

The UK can, and should, be a world leader in not only stopping climate change in its tracks but ensuring that migrants and marginalised groups have their rights protected.

That is why, inspired by the youth climate movement, will be joining the Global Climate Strike on 20th September, 2019. We have no time to waste.

You can find us on the streets, along with millions of people worldwide. We’re asking you to join us too

We know not everyone is able to walk out of work for a day. It’s a privilege to be able to stand up in this way. We hope to champion the voices of our clients and other marginalised groups, and ensure that the climate movement is as diverse as the challenges we face.

- Minnie Rahman, JCWI Campaigns Manager